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Acting Studio



Emotional Realism
Physical & Vocal Exploration
Process Development
​Terminology & Application 
Script Analysis

Audition Preparation

Comprehensive Training
Flexible Scheduling
On-Set Consultation
Self-tape Assistance

Based extensively in both Classical Theatre as well as Modern Film Technique, the studio promotes a healthy respect for all acting philosophies (Meisner, Stanislavski, Method, etc.).


As such, our actors create their own personalized process rather than prescribe to one, incorporating from each style as best suits them. This is encouraged through a fun and safe environment for students, inviting them to explore their characters boldly and imaginativelyIn addition, we work to develop the student's physical awareness & malleability, vocal health & production, and emotional availability & expression.


All of this, combined with an educational emphasis on approaching a script analytically, prepares the student to be a ​self-sustaining, consistently improving artist, able to  clearly articulate a craft and apply it practically.

Coaching Session

Coaching / Self-Tape

Catered to your particular needs, available for audition preparation, character exploration, or acting instruction

Audition guidance and

self-tape assistance.

Recommended client

come completely

prepared to tape

"From breaking down the script to dealing with the subtleties of acting on set, Casey is extremely knowledgable and always there to help. He helped me get comfortable in the character which led to a confidence in myself. It allowed me to put more energy into the scenes and play with situations which made the character more real/relatable. I found Casey's methods more effective for me, personally, than other coaches I've worked with. Also, he has an endless supply of analogies to keep it entertaining. Casey for class president."

Trevor Logan
(BreKarate, Transformers, Power Rangers)

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You go in thinking you’re prepared and ready, and then you have a conversation with Casey. He asks you questions that prompt you to have specific answers; “Whatever fuels you the most”, he says. Working with Casey is like therapy and a work out. You are using your mind for the prep work, and then also using your body to be able to execute and let go. Most importantly I enjoy and appreciate the unrushed time we have together — he cares more about me getting it than how much I can get in a short amount of time. Always a pleasure and a challenge working with the man himself!

Adam Kang

(The Fosters, House of Lies, Single Parents

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"He's an amazing Acting Coach; he helps me with so much that I do -- helps me understand acting on such a deeper level and in so many new ways. He's incredible, working with me on acting, but also some personal struggles I've been in. So not only is he an amazing Acting Coach, he's a fantastic therapist as well."

Justin Ellings

(A Tale of Two Corey's, My Babysitter the Superhero, Lost & Found)

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